In our third and final installment of the series How-To Train, former World Cup skier Miha Kürner, goes over 5 drills to help build your confidence in speed events.
Over the course of the winter, we highlighted drills that will impact your skiing for the better. Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel and be the first to know when a new video drops.
In our third video of the series How-To Train, Miha Kürner walked us through 5 drills that will help build your confidence in speed events.
1. The Offering
2. Hands on Knees
3. High Tuck/Low Tuck Turns
4. One-Handed Tuck Turns
5. Bullet Turns
Incorporating these drills into your daily speed routine will help build the confidence you need to push out of the start and be looking for the fast line.
Watch the full YouTube video above and following along for more exciting content coming soon.