Ski racers have been turning to mountain biking as their off-season activity of choice for years to help get their fix of speed and adrenaline in the summer.

Today SYNC athlete Maddie Dekko takes us for a ride to the top of Vail to show us how she trains when she isn't on snow... 

Hi Sync Fans! My name is Maddie Dekko. I am a post-collegiate racer for Ski and Snowboard Club Vail. For my Summer Sweat workout, I filmed a long mountain bike ride up beautiful Vail Mountain. For longer aerobic workouts like these, I try to keep my heart rate under control at around a Zone 2 pace (able to sustain a conversation).

As someone who has always loved running, I have enjoyed challenging myself with mountain biking to mix up my aerobic workouts. Mountain biking is great for summer training because it combines more muscle endurance with cardiovascular training and is often easier on the joints for those with nagging injuries. The downhill portion (the best part!) is awesome for practicing similar ski tactics of speed control and line. I hope you enjoyed this Summer Sweat video and are inspired to take your workouts outside!

- Maddie Dekko